Simple ways to get a date:

Maybe you like someone and want to get to know more of her. But how will you ask the girl for her number? What would seem to be like a good balancing act of your fondness without it being identified as desperate and crazy? There are certain tricks of this one…discussing here sure it will help you.

Confidence shows: When you have the right intentions there is absolutely no need to be nervous or shaky. Stay calm and confident. Women particularly admire this quality. When you talk to her and give her a feeling that you are absolutely worth the time, but be careful on the use of words when you approach…’the first impression is the last impression’…remember.

Body language: The body language is very important…even before we speak this language does. Pick up the right attitude and make sure you appear somber because she wants to be secure even while giving away a part of her.

Keep it casual: I think there is a need for friendship to take off the first thing in any relationship. So first try to be friendly and use casual language to start a conversation.

Keep a smile: A genuine smile often does a million talks and usually conquers the heart. It also rides through the apprehension and negativity of meeting a complete stranger. Always wear a smile.

Take the initiative yourself: be the one to initiate the talk and make things comfortable.  Someone has to do it. Break the ice and start talking and chatting casually. Invite her to a date and ask whether she is comfortable and give her open options about place and time.
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Strike a right chord: Maybe you will have something in common. A hobby,  a choice of artists, travelling…anything that may bind the two of you. Anyway there has to be a common chord for the relationship to start off. There are many that you will already know if she is your classmate, batch mate, college buddy. You may also ask around to know a little.

Try your luck: Don’t get too serious about it. The eagerness is surely there in the other side surely. All what needs to be done is asking out for a date. It is not rocket science that you have to crack your head…most men don’t get dates because they do not ask for it. That is what statistics says.

Be straightforward: Your age body language, approach, and all put together will already have given indications for your purpose. Do not try to act up …be straightforward right at the start. This quality is much appreciated in these times.

Charm her: Women like to get charmed in the first place. They are in partial fantasy and daze and want a part of it to come to life. Be gentle, kind, courteous and a complete gentleman.

A sense of humor: Women are very fond of intelligence and a good sense of humor. If you have one, bring out your funnier half. But don’t try to pretend to be someone you are not either because that will not last and the fake mask will eventually ruin matters for you.